Friday 23 November 2018

Toast fingers fried with chicken

  • 12 slices of fresh toast
  • 500 g pieces of chicken removed bone and skin
  • 2 onion slices (pre-sauteed in oil)1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • salt and pepper as desired
  • Cup flour
  • 2 egg whipped
  • 2 cup Breadcrumbs
  • oil for fermentation

  1. Cut off the sides of the toast, and then Knead toast with a rolling pin .
  2. Cut chicken into thin slices, mix with reddish onions.
  3. Add the thyme, olive oil, salt and pepper to the chicken mixture, and my heart well.
  4. Apply a number of fillers to the tip of the toast, gently press it while pressing.
  5. Dip the toast fingers into the flour, and then dip in the beaten eggs.
  6. Finally dip it in the Bread crumbs and make sure that it has been completely covered with Bread crumbs.
  7. Refrigerate for an hour until it holds together.
  8. Heat oil on fire.
  9. Fry the fingers of the toast until it becomes golden, remove it from the oil and put it on the kitchen tissues until it absorbs excess oil.

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