Wednesday 7 November 2018

Classic Deviled Eggs

  • 14 hard cooked eggs.
  • ½ cup of mayonnaise.
  • ½ cup of sour cream.
  • 1 ½ tsps of Dijon mustard.
  • 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice.
  • ¼ tsp of black pepper.
  • ¼ cup of finely shredded sharp cheddar cheese.
  • 2 tbsps of chopped fresh chives or scallion (green onion) tops.

  1. Remove the yolks to a medium bowl after slicing the eggs in half lengthwise. Chop 4 white halves finely.
  2. Mash the yolks and add in mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, lemon juice and pepper and mix to combine. Add in chopped egg whites, cheese and chives and mix to combine.
  3. Spoon 1 heaping tbsp of yolk mixture into the 24 white halves.
  4. Cover, and refrigerate.


  1. How do you get 24 white halves when the recipe says 4 hard boiled eggs?

    1. Error writing, did not pay attention. Thank you. It 's been corrected. It' s 14 eggs not 4

    2. I got that it was 14 eggs which equals 28 halves. But you take 4 of those halves and mash into filling with the rest. Then you woukd have 24 halves like stated. Idk but thats how I read it
